What Caused The Increase In Website Traffic?
Aaron Brandon
The other day I reported that this site had a 32% increase increase in traffic since I changed blogging software. I got that number by averaging the amount of daily visitors from the first day of the month to the date I installed the new software which was about the 17th of the month. Then I averaged the visitor numbers for the five or so days I’ve had the new software installed.
If you don’t think those results are good, imagine if your website had 800 daily visitors coming to your website on average. Every day it may be a little more or a little bit less, but the average remains around 800. Then imagine the average amount of traffic increased from 800 to 1055 visitors on average. Would you enjoy that extra traffic? I certainly would.
I’m not sure what caused the increase in traffic. It could be a number of new links coming from within the network of websites, it could be search engines re-caching my website, I’m not sure yet. But I will continue to watch the traffic and I will do my best to report what has caused an increase in my traffic statistics.